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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Media Double Standard Confronted on NBC

From the Media Research Center, Tom DeLay calls Matt Lauer on the carpet for the media's double-standard on scandals (in case you've been on Mars, it's how liberal scandals quickly fade from view--if they show up in the media at all--while conservative ones face a never-ending drum beat):

After Lauer recited a list of Republican scandals, the former House Majority Leader exclaimed: "The double standard in the media is amazing. The feeding frenzy, the sharks in the water that's going on right now because of a Republican. Where is the frenzy on Alan Mollohan from West Virginia or William Jefferson from Louisiana?" Lauer insisted "there was an awful lot of coverage of William Jefferson when that story broke," but DeLay countered: "Yeah, for just a couple of days and then we went on." When DeLay repeated how there's a "double standard in the media," an appalled Lauer fired back: "I'm not going to let it end with that assumption, Congressman, because I clearly don't agree with it." DeLay retorted: "You exhibited it, Matt!"

Media bias needs to be confronted to it's face at all times. Conservatives and Republicans are too nice about it; the media's never going to be the buddy of conservatives, so they have nothing to lose by rubbing the media's noses in the truth.

The Leftist media needs to realize denial's not just a river in Egypt.


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