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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Re-hearing Denied in Missouri Adoption Case

By Carrie K. Hutchens

I was reading an article today that suggested that the guardian ad litem has filed motions blocking the adoptive efforts in the Stocklaufer - Baby Max case. I also read that the judge isn't allowing a new hearing. Is this all true? If so, then the question "WHY?" becomes one that all citizens should be asking. I mean, it isn't as though it can be traumatic to Baby Max, because he won't be testifying or even aware of what is transpiring. So what can possibly be a legit reason to deny Gary & Cynthia Stocklaufer an appeal to the original decision? (Full Article)



Anonymous said...

I know personally that this is not a weight issue; he wants you to think that because he doesn't have a chance otherwise. Get real!!!

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Oh really? I'm to believe your statement, when EVEN "YOU" don't stand behind it with your name?

Anonymous said...

Keeping in mind of course that Hutchens also beleives everything posted over at the North Country Gazette and doesn't question the sanity of its lone author/publisher.

Hutchens never does any original research and discards any relevant factual information.

Hutchens doesn't write as a champion of truth and fact but as a champion of closely held personal beleifs and personal crusades.

When challenged and confronted with facts, reputable/reliable first person sources or the actual documents that dispel his/her efforts to propagate misrepresentations and misinformation (lies) the reaction is typical and predictable: "don't bother me with YOUR facts because FACTS are irrelevant to the point being made" or even more typical "the facts aren't important, whether or not you post them using your name is important"

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

anonymous, if you don't even know if I am male or female, how can you possibly claim (with a straight face) that you have a clue as to what I believe, what research I do, or anything else about me?

You can't!

You also are KNOWINGLY making false allegations! Now just why would you do that? And, why would you bring up the North Country Gazette, since I hadn't mentioned it in a months? Oh, could it be because you read my article on TerriPAC? Now why would that upset you so badly? I bet I know why!

marie baker said...

Carrie, sounds like your adversary either works for family court or psycho services.

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