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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Florida: The Land of Questionable Justice

"Convicted by a sleeping jury

by Mark Yannone
August 24, 2007

During the closing arguments of the prosecution of Florida citizen Nancy Grant, the assistant prosecutor told the jury, "if someone is telling another person about their civil rights, they are practicing law without a license."

This is the state that allowed a judge to sentence an innocent woman -- Terri Schiavo -- to death by starvation and dehydration.

This is the state that is investigating a judge -- Judge Cliff Barnes -- because "he" filed a complaint alleging inmates were not processed according to the law. (Guess his allegations support Nancy Grant's as for inmates not going to trial in a timely fashion.)

Now, the state is saying that a woman -- Nancy Grant -- can't inform others what their civil rights are, or she is practicing law without a license? Wonder what they are so worried about? They haven't been violating people's civil rights down there in Florida, now have they?


Anonymous said...

Only, that is not what happened. Grant was a former mental patient who has a poor grasp on reality and is really, really sick. I have read the transcripts: the prosecutor most certainly did NOT say "if someone is telling another person about their civil rights, they are practicing law without a license." Mark Yannone and Nancy are all part of the same sicko JAIL4Judges group that along with Bill Stegmeier tried to get their garbage into South Dakota last year. You remember Amendment E, rejected with only 11 percent in favor?

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Would you mind sharing the transcript? I would love to read it! Thank you in advance!

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