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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Documentary Links Darwin, Hitler

From WorldNetDaily:

Charles Darwin should share with Adolph Hitler the blame for the 11 million or more lives lost in the Holocaust, a provocative video documentary explains. And, the program says, the more than 45 million American lives lost to abortion also can be blamed on that famous founder of evolutionary theory.

The results of Darwin’s theories?

Titled "Darwin’s Deadly Legacy," the stunning documentary shows that Darwinian theory, "which is scientifically bankrupt, has probably been responsible for more bloodshed than anything else in the history of humanity," Jerry Newcomb, one of the program's two co-producers, told WorldNetDaily.

Before the advent of Darwinian beliefs, said Newcombe, the Western world's basic concept was that man was made in the image of God, and was therefore valuable. But Darwin changed all that.

"Karl Marx wouldn’t embrace all (Darwin’s) tenets, but said, 'This is a scientific theory on which we can base our theory of man,'" Newcomb told WND.

Can anyone tell me why there is NOT a logical link between Darwinism and Hitler's ethnic cleansing?


Steven Carr said...

Hitler, of course, was a creationist, at least as far as human beings were concerned.

Hitler explicity rejected Darwinism and the evolution of man.

From Hitler's Tischgespraeche for 1942 'Woher nehmen wir das Recht zu glauben, der Mensch sei nicht von Uranfaengen das gewesen , was er heute ist? Der Blick in die Natur zeigt uns, dass im Bereich der Pflanzen und Tiere Veraenderungen und Weiterbildungen vorkommen. Aber nirgends zeigt sich innherhalb einer Gattung eine Entwicklung von der Weite des Sprungs, den der Mensch gemacht haben muesste, sollte er sich aus einem affenartigen Zustand zu dem, was er ist, fortgebildet haben.'

I shall translate :-

'From where do we get the right to believe that man was not from the very beginning what he is today.

A glance in Nature shows us , that changes and developments happen in the realm of plants and animals. But nthing shows inside a kind, a development of the size of the leap that Man must have made, if he supposedly has advanced from an ape-like condition to what he is now

And in the entry for 27 February 1942 , Hitler says 'Das, was der Mensch von dem Tier voraushat, der veilleicht wunderbarste Beweis fuer die Ueberlegenheit des Menschen ist, dass er begriffen hat, dass es eine Schoepferkraft geben muss.'

Hitler also wrote 'Die zehn Gebote sind Ordnungsgesetze, die absolut lobenswert sind.'

Bob Ellis said...

Hitler, who was an admirer of both Darwin and Nietzche, was following Darwin's prescription for survival of the fittest. You might (or might not) recall that the full title of Darwin's famous book on his theory of evolution was "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life."

Hitler, in his mind, when he attempted to exterminate the Jews was cleansing the German gene pool to ensure the survival and purity of the "superior" Aryan race. Jews, Slavs and other ethnic groups were tainting the German gene pool and holding the German people back from their true destiny.

In Hitler's world (and that of atheistic Marxists), the superior races have every right to do this: it's the natural order.

Besides, we are only highly evolved animals anyway; it's not like exterminating an inferior race is murdering beings with a soul, created in the image of God, and it's not like there is any accountability to an all-powerful deity for such actions.

So the actions of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and so many others make perfect Darwin's world.

But not in the Christian worldview.

Which world would you rather live in? (I guess that depends on whether you consider yourself in the "superior" race, eh?)

Steven Carr said...

Hitler explicitly rejected the idea that man had descended from apes.

Hitler never mentioned Darwin or Darwinism in his entire life.

From volume 2 of Mein Kampf

'Thus for the first time a high inner purpose is accredited to the
State. In face of the ridiculous phrase that the State should do no more than act as the guardian of public order and tranquillity, so that everybody can peacefully dupe everybody else, it is given a very high mission indeed to preserve and encourage the highest type of humanity which a beneficent Creator has bestowed on this earth."

"And, further, they ought to be brought to realize that it is their bounden duty to give to the Almighty Creator beings such as He himself made to His own image."

Or from Hitler's private conversations, as recorded in 'Table Talk'

Man braucht nur durch ein Teleskop oder durch ein Mikroskop zu sehen: Da erkennt man, dass der Mensch die Faehigkeit hat, diese Gesetze zu begreifen.

Da muss man aber doch demuetig werden. Wird diese Schoepferkraft mt einem Fetisch identifiziert, dann bricht die Gottesvorstellung zusammen, wenn der Fetsich versagt.

Man has only to look through a telescope or a microscope: Man then recognises, that mankind has the capability to comprehend these laws.

But man must be humble.

If this Creative Power is identified with an idol, then the picture of God will collapse, once the idol fails.

Steven Carr said...

Did God not create the gene pool? Is the gene pool not part of the 'natural order' created by God?

Is survival of the fittest not true?

Is it not a fact that some people have genes which enable them to ward off (eg) malaria better than others?

Is it not a fact that the slower gazelles are the ones caught bv cheetahs?

In answer to your question, I would prefer to live in a world where survival of the fittest did not apply. That would be great!

But has God created such a world?

William Lane Craig has an excellent article on the horror of killing whole groups of people, men , women and children.

It can be found Here but how can we get liberals to read it?

Bob Ellis said...

As I said before, Hitler's ideas and plans fit perfectly within a Darwinian framework. He justified his racial purity and genocidal plans scientifically, saying that in cleansing the gene pool, the German people " must understand, and cooperate with science." He also said 'A higher race subjects to itself a lower race …a right which we see in nature and which can be regarded as the sole conceivable right." Again, this falls in line with Darwin's theories of natural selection through the elimination of the inferior organism.

Author Robert Clark says Hitler "was captivated by evolutionary teaching — probably since the time he was a boy. Evolutionary ideas — quite undisguised — lie at the basis of all that is worst in Mein Kampf -and in his public speeches …. Hitler reasoned … that a higher race would always conquer a lower."

Author Richard Hickman says Hitler was "a firm believer and preacher of evolution. Whatever the deeper, profound, complexities of his psychosis, it is certain that [the concept of struggle was important because] … his book, Mein Kampf, clearly set forth a number of evolutionary ideas, particularly those emphasizing struggle, survival of the fittest and the extermination of the weak to produce a better society.'"

Consider this from Chapter 4 of Hitler's Mein Kampf: "Nature herself in times of great poverty or bad climactic conditions, as well as poor harvest, intervenes to restrict the increase of population of certain countries or races; this, to be sure, by a method as wise as it is ruthless. She diminishes, not the power of procreation as such, but the conservation of the procreated, by exposing them to hard trials and deprivations with the result that all those who are less strong and less healthy are forced back into the womb of the eternal unknown. Those whom she permits to survive the inclemency of existence are a thousandfold tested hardened, and well adapted to procreate-in turn, in order that the process of thoroughgoing selection may begin again from the beginning. By thus brutally proceeding against the individual and immediately calling him back to herself as soon as he shows himself unequal to the storm of life, she keeps the race and species strong, in fact, raises them to the highest accomplishments."
Does that not sound like Darwin's ideas of evolution through natural selection? Or this, as Hitler continues in Chapter 4: "as soon as procreation as such is limited and the number of births diminished, the natural struggle for existence which leaves only the strongest and healthiest alive is obviously replaced by the obvious desire to ' save ' even the weakest and most sickly at any price, and this plants the seed of a future generation which must inevitably grow more and more deplorable the longer this mockery of Nature and her will continues. And the end will be that such a people will some day be deprived of its existence on this earth; for man can defy the eternal laws of the will to conservation for a certain time, but sooner or later vengeance comes. A stronger race will drive out the weak, for the vital urge in its ultimate form will, time and again, burst all the absurd fetters of the so-called humanity of individuals, in order to replace it by the humanity of Nature which destroys the weak to give his place to the strong."

Or this from Chapter 4, where Hitler continues to speak of a "natural order" where the stronger survives and there is no appreciation of man as created in the image of God, and no accountability to a Creator: "Then, though in a perhaps very distant future, there will be but two possibilities either the world will be governed according to the ideas of our modern democracy, and then the weight of any decision will result in favor of the numerically stronger races, or the world will be dominated in accordance with the laws of the natural order of force, and then it is the peoples of brutal will who will conquer, and consequently once again not the nation of selfrestriction."

Or this: "The urge to preserve the species is the first cause for the formation of human communities; thus the state is a national organism and not an economic organization. A difference which is just as large as it is incomprehensible, particularly to our so-called ' statesmen ' of today. That is why they think they can build up the state through economics while in reality it results and always will result solely from the action of those qualities which lie in line with the will to preserve the species and race."

Whether Hitler was a card-carrying disciple of Darwin may be debatable; that he held beliefs and carried out actions that were in accordance with Darwinian principles is beyond reasonable dispute.

Bob Ellis said...

God created one human race; all of us sprang from Adam and Eve.  So when we try to erase a particular segment of humanity based on skin color or ethnic division, we are simply trying to exterminate a part of our own human family.

God didn't create the world to operate in a "survival of the fittest" mode. If he had, why would Jesus have admonished us to care for the "weak" (Matthew 25:34-46)

If God had created the world to be dog-eat-dog, why would Jesus have lauded the gentler way (Matthew 5:1-11)

God created a world of perfection with no sickness, weakness or death.  And the rebellion of humans brought this cursed state on the earth--a state God
will one day correct and restore to perfection.

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