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Monday, August 27, 2007

Gender-Neutral Restrooms

I predicted some 4 years ago in a column I wrote for Toogood Reports that this would be coming: transgender/gender-neutral bathrooms. Before I'm hailed as a prophet, though, realize that it wasn't a difficult prediction to make, given all the sexual silliness we've seen in the past 20 years.

From Fox News:

It also has gender-neutral bathrooms, a feature added to accommodate transgendered people, as well as those with some disabilities. The four single bathrooms in the new Dudley H. Davis Center — each with a toilet, sink, shower and lockable door — cost about $2,500 a piece to build. Their wall signs identify each as "gender neutral restroom."

"It's about inclusivity and accessibility and the importance of meeting all people's needs, not just a few," said Annie Stevens, assistant vice president for student and campus life.

UVM isn't the only school trying to make its accommodations more accommodating.

At least 17 colleges and universities have included gender-neutral bathrooms in their new construction or in retrofitting residence halls, said Stephanie Gordon, director of educational programs at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators.

"A multi-use bathroom doesn't necessarily feel safe to transgendered students, because they have concerns about how their gender would be read by others," said Dot Brauer, director of the school's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Ally Services.

How someone's gender/sex is read "by others" is a pretty simple matter for most of us to figure out: if your sex organs are outside you're body, you're a male; if your sex organs are inside your body, you're a female. This is the way God created you, and you should deal with it.

Humoring people who are confused about this, instead of helping them deal with reality, just ends up causing them more pain, and leaves everybody confused and misled (not to mention costing a lot of money by building "gender-neutral" restrooms to humor them).


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