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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, August 04, 2007

Social Engineering Becoming the Norm

Knowing what the birthright of an American should be, the truth of Henry Lamb's WorldNetDaily column breaks my heart:

A substantial number of Americans, perhaps a majority, believe that government should dictate where people live, what their housing structures should look like and how they should be constructed. They believe it is right for government to dictate what curriculum children should study in school. They believe it is right for government to dictate which land should be cultivated and which land should not be touched by humans. They believe it is right for government to dictate the kind of automobiles that are available for people to purchase.

Simply put, a substantial number of Americans believe it is right for government to dictate how people should live. They believe that government should "engineer" society.

How different is this modern attitude from the belief system that led Americans into war to defeat the Nazis' efforts to engineer society. How different is this modern attitude from the belief system that led our founders to declare that the Creator, not government, endowed people with equal rights to "... life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." How different is this modern attitude from the notion that legitimate government is empowered only by the consent of the governed.

Would that we could return to the day when a man could do what he wanted with his life, his home, his car, his land...without worrying about some environmental regulation or some bureaucrat's utopian idea of how he should live.

Would that we could return to the day when American government protected us from foreign enemies, kept the roads up...and that's about it.


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