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Monday, July 30, 2007

British PM Affirms Friendship with US

The new British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is affirming ties the U.S. and the war on terror.

From the UK Sun:

Mr Brown stunned critics by THANKING President Bush for the fight against Islamic extremism, and insisted the UK-US relationship will be his No1 foreign policy priority.

He said on his first visit to the President’s US retreat at Camp David: “Winston Churchill spoke of the ‘joint inheritance’ of our two countries.”

The PM said that meant “a joint inheritance not just of shared history but shared values founded on a shared destiny”.

He added: “America has shown by the resilience and bravery of its people from September 11 that while buildings can be destroyed, values are indestructable.

“We acknowledge the debt the world owes to the US for its leadership in this fight against international terrorism.”

I certainly hope he follows through on this rhetoric. Invoking Winston Churchill is akin to invoking Reagan for conservatives in the United States.

Winston Churchill was one of the worlds greatest and most visionary leaders, warning the world about the threat of Adolf Hitler long, long before it was politically correct.

Britain and the world needs more of that kind of leadership as the free world faces the global threat of terrorism and Islamic facism.


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