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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Facing Responsibility

As the discussion of Chad Schuldt and Hildygate continues, I wanted to make a point of clarification on the comments I made yesterday regarding addictions.

While, as Todd Epp noted, I have compassion for Chad, knowing how difficult it is to quit something once you've gotten in the habit of doing it. And I think we should have compassion for one another in this regard, on a personal level.

But as Ken Blanchard noted at South Dakota Politics, the trend in our society is to absolve all guilt behind the shield of "addiction."

I hope Chad won't do that. One of the key components to a successful recovery from addiction is to admit personal responsibility, own up to it and deal with both the responsibility for getting there, and for deeds done while there.

That's one of the critical failings of our modern society: we short-circuit a key element that enables someone to get better--and often justice in the process--by confusing personal compassion with the escape of responsibility.

I hope for Chad's sake and for the sake of justice, he and those around him won't go that route.


Anonymous said...

Don't you think Schuldt should apologize for all his personal attacks on people and for trying to ruin people's careers?

Bob Ellis said...

I'd like to see that, but I see that as a separate issue from his theft and his video lottery addiction.

As an aside, I think he went too far in some of his attacks, and was definitely misguided...but I wish more people on the Right had his commitment to what they believe in, and his enthusiasm for defending their beliefs. As Jesus said in Revelation 3:15-16 "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

Even if they're wrong, I have more respect for someone who's willing to take a stand than someone who's too afraid or lazy or apathetic to defend what they believe in.

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