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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, August 02, 2007

North to Canada

ABC News is making hay of the increasing number of Americans moving to Canada:

"Those who are coming have the highest level of education — these aren't people who can't get a job in the states," he explains. "They're coming because many of them don't like the politics, the Iraq War and the security situation in the U.S. By comparison, Canada is a tension-free place. People feel safer."

Kertes attributes his motivation to President Bush's opposition to gay marriage, and the tactics employed during the war on terror since 9/11.

My reaction? Bye! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

Don't get me wrong. I've vacationed a couple of times in Canada, and it's a great country. If I couldn't live in the United States, Canada would be my next choice.

But they have unfortunately embraced socialism to a much greater degree than here, and they aren't interested in taking a stand against evil and for freedom in the world on any significant scale.

If you want less freedom and more socialism, then by all means move to Canada. More power to you. I believe people ought to live where their values are most closely expressed. There are plenty of socialist enclaves around the world for people who like that sort of thing; socialists should go live there and stop trying to mess up free, God-fearing countries like the United States.

Socialists can go live in Canada, leaving free and independent people to live unencumbered here in America as we defend Canada from threats from other continents.


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