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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, July 30, 2007

'Rescue Me' TV Show Degrading to Catholics

July 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- In Wednesday's episode of the FX drama "Rescue Me," Denis Leary's character had an exchange with a new firefighter about the Bible. He said the Bible is to Catholics what "The Godfather" is to the Mafia. Continuing, Leary blasted the Catholic Church for being corrupt, maintaining that the 12 years he spent in the Church was effectively like being in prison. The biggest gangster on the face of the planet, he contended, was the pope. (Full Article)


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

"Rescue Me" executives most likely are all excited by their assumption they are getting a jump on their competition. Get them there Catholics and vulgar them up for the audience. It flew past them that they are making themselves look bad and losing potential viewers. Guess time will make that clear to them when they lose the audience that doesn't appreciate attacks on either Catholics or any other denomination.

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