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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, July 30, 2007

Cover Fire for the Argus Leader

Denise Ross and Todd Epp are claiming the theft of $100,000 by Chad Schuldt from his employer Hildebrand Tewes, a company which worked on former Senator Tom Daschle's campaign, and does work for the South Dakota Democratic Party and Senator Barak Obama, among others, is just political fodder that isn't interesting to the lowly masses. This, they claim, is why the Argus Leader couldn't be bothered to walk half a mile to visit Hildebrand Tewes and cover the story.

If they're not actively working to provide cover for the Argus Leader's dereliction, then their ideological loyalties have them pretty blinded.

I'm expected to buy that this isn't interesting enough to cover, but the Argus' relentless quest for a blanket list of state employee salaries is? I'm supposed to believe the theft of $100,000 by a party political operative from his employer, who works for a number of high profile politicians, isn't interesting to the average person...but the Argus' hell-bent-for-leather pursuit of a list of Governor Mike Rounds' pheasant hunting buddies is?

This while Roll Call, the Bayou Buzz from Louisiana, National Review, and the Rapid City Journal found it interesting enough to cover?

Sorry, that one comes up "no sale" here.


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