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Monday, July 30, 2007

Wall, South Dakota Woman Appointed to Civil Rights Council

Gwen Caldwell, who is a long time family rights advocate and Founder of Voice of Women has been honored this month by being appointed to serve on the National Board of Directors of the United Civil Rights Councils of America. She was selected because of her “experience, activism, writing skills, common sense and geography”. This is not the only recognition Caldwell has received this year for her volunteer work. She was selected to serve on the State Board of Directors for UCRC of A earlier this year and is among Cambridge’s Professional and Business Women’s Who’s Who for 2007/2008 for her ongoing commitment and effectiveness in advocating for family rights. (Full Article)


Anonymous said...

I applaud family rights advocate Gwen Caldwell. The destruction of the family is due to the 'winner-take-all' concept of family courts. I, too, believe that the family is the most primary and important social structure of a child’s life. And like Ms Caldwell, I believe Shared Parenting is essential for the well-being of our children.
Don, the 14%er

Anonymous said...

There can be no doubt that the family is the most basic institution in our society, and that present legal processes are undermining it's sanctity. Divorce courts arbitrarily assigning custody to one parent while relegating the other to the role of visitor is but one example of this. It's long past time to end this practice and reverse every contested sole custody decision ever made, except where there is a preponderance of evidence indicating that it would be harmful to the children involved. One need not look any further than the daily newspaper to see the ill effects that the erosion of the family have had on our society.

Todd S.

Dakota Voice
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