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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, July 07, 2007

Compassion for Murderers

Any murder, no matter how quickly, suddenly, or painlessly it is done, deserves the death penalty.

But as we approach the execution of Elijah Page, we should look at just how depraved the three who killed Chester Allan Poage were.

KELO features an excerpt from Elijah Page's confession:

Investigator: "Were you laughing?"

Page: "We chuckled. We weren't really laughing, but let out little chuckles. 'Ha ha,' you know?"

Then they started kicking... And kicking.. And kicking.

"I looked at Darrell. I said, man, my foot hurts. I can't kick anymore," Page says.


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

I've noticed the trend that has a habit of leaving victims as shadows somewhere in the past. Many times, the public has no clue about who the victim was or the details of the crime. I feel this is a crime in itself. Where is the compassion for the victims and their families? Where is the honoring of their life and what was taken from them? Maybe we, as a society, need to read more about their life stories.

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