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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Blogging Against Theocracy: Gone BATS Part II

The BATS are at it again.

I refer to the secularists who had a "Blogging Against Theocracy" blogswarm last Easter weekend. They of course insisted they had nothing against religion, despite the fact that they chose to rail against an imaginary theocracy movement in America on the most holy Christian holiday. Others and I answered their errors, though.

Now they have chosen, coincidentally, I'm sure, to have another BAT on Independence Day, the holiday commemorating the day a bunch of Christians formally recognized that all men were "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights," and "appeal[ed] to the Supreme Judge of the world," and stated their reliance on the "protection of Divine Providence" as they declared independence from England.

These "Blogging Against Theocracy" shadow boxers are of course wrong in practically every aspect of their complaint: there never has been a theocracy in America, no one (except perhaps some radical Muslims) is trying to institute a theocracy in America, and hopefully there never will be a theocracy in America.

These misguided souls believe things like creation science, defense of the weak against euthanasia, opposition to killing the unborn, defense of one-man-one-woman marriage and traditional families, along with the right and role of people to bring their religious values to the public them, these are all signs and pillars of "theocracy." They have no idea of what a theocracy really is, as their writings show.

If people are allowed to rewrite the past without opposition, they can rewrite the present, and alter the course of the future. America and all she stands for, including our Christian heritage and the Christian influence that makes our nation unique, are far too important to let a lie stand.

In the next two days, writers at Dakota Voice will demonstrate what theocracy is, and what it is not. Whether the BATS (Blogging Against Theocracy Silliness) can accept it or not, we will counter the error and present the truth. Even if the BATS are too extreme in their secularist desires to accept the truth, others will see what is real and what is fearmongering. We did it before at Easter, and we'll build on that with some new information and sources.

The history of our nation alone is sufficient to counter the secularist revision some are working so hard at. And examples even today abound around the world to illustrate what a theocracy really is, and show that it is certainly not what we have in America.

So stay tuned, even as you prepare to celebrate Independence Day 2007. You're celebrating one of the most unique things God has ever done on earth. Take time over the next couple of days, amidst the hotdogs and fireworks, to appreciate what we alone have here in the United States. And take time to give thanks to Divine Providence for giving it to us.


Dakota Voice
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