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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The bloggers aren't Orson Wells and there ain't no invasion...

This "Blogging Against Theocracy" reminds me of Orson Wells and the radio broadcast of "The War of the Worlds". There was no threat of invasion then and no threat of Theocracy now. What a sham and waste of time. Well, unless the "intent" is there to actually make people believe all this nonsense is true (because why else would there be blogging against it), stir them up and get them to then feel even the slightest touch of religious influence on government will lead to theocracy. Wouldn't that be interesting if that is what is up?

On the other hand...

The bloggers aren't Orson Wells and there isn't an invasion of theocracy going on. But I suppose it doesn't take much to entertain the bored peoples of this world. Too bad they don't spend their time focusing on one of the many "real" issues our society and government are facing, rather than seeing if they can make people believe a sham is "the real deal".


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