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Sunday, July 08, 2007

DV Poll Results: Declaration of Independence

The results are in from last week's Dakota Voice poll:

The principles of the Declaration of Independence....

Established a nation on Christian principles under God 87.5%
Established a secular nation that decides its own truths 6.25%
Were a good start, but fall short of modern ideals 3.13%
Are obsolete in the world in which we currently live 3.13%

Thank you to those who participated.

Since murderer Elijah Page is scheduled to be executed this coming week, this week's poll is on the death penalty.


Anonymous said...

Too bad we can't choose more than one option. I agree with about 3 of the statements on your death penalty poll. It brings justice to murderers, it deters homicides, and it affirms the sacredness of life.


Bob Ellis said...

I sympathize, Anonymous. I concur with more than one, too. The poll is looking for the answer you consider most important, or the highest priority.

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