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Monday, June 04, 2007

New York Times Buries JFK Plot

Ever wonder why there's so much dissatisfaction with the War on Terrorism? I'm not talking about the Leftists; they're never satisfied with anything that makes America safer and stronger. I'm talking about among average people.

Maybe the "mainstream" media's efforts to bury success stories and paint them as unimportant, while putting the spotlights any hint of a setback or impropriety on the part of the United States.

The latest example from NewsMax highlights the New York Times efforts to ignore the JFK plot:

But The New York Times didn’t think the story was so important.

In fact, on Sunday the country’s leading liberal daily carried a simple one-paragraph reference to the story on its first page, buried in the news brief section. The Times brief said the plot posed "no imminent danger.”

What did the Times deem fit to print on its front page? The two featured stories on the page were headlined: "A legal debate in Guantanamo on boy fighters” and "President’s push on immigration tests GOP base.”

Meanwhile, NewsMax highlights this from the New York Post:
Now Monday's New York Post is reporting in a Page-One cover story that this same man is the suspected "invisible hand” behind the plot to bomb a fuel pipeline feeding New York’s JFK airport.

This terrorist is Adnan el-Shukrijumah, the so-called "Fixer" behind the 9/11 attacks.

The Post calls el-Shukrijumah the "so called nuclear-whiz kid” — a "tantalizing terror figure” with a $5 million bounty on his head.

A plot that could have killed thousands and caused untold damage to the nation's air travel industry, with echoes that would undoubtedly reverberate into the national economy...and it's no big deal to the Times. But by golly we've got to investigate even a hint of unfairness to lawbreakers and terrorists.


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