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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Cousin He/She/It Helps with Campaign

This has to be the story to which the South Dakota War College referred last night. Bizarre, indeed!

From the Rapid City Journal:

An 18-year-old Rapid City man faces charges of underage consumption and driving under the influence after a traffic stop early Tuesday morning that involved Rapid City alderman Tom Johnson.

Rapid City Police Chief Craig Tieszen said Tuesday evening that a city police officer stopped the vehicle about 1:15 a.m. for erratic driving and malfunctioning tail lights. The driver of Johnson's car "was dressed like and appeared to be a woman" but was eventually identified as a man, Tieszen said.

Tieszen said the driver initially gave a woman's name but then provided a man's name.

"As far as we know, (he) is legally a man," Tieszen said.

The article goes on to say Johnson was given a breathalyzer (which he passed) and released. He said he also didn't know the guy/gal/it was a guy, or that he/she/it was drinking. From the story, it sounds like Johnson just recruited this guy/gal/it off the street to help put out campaign signs, or he/she/it volunteered.

Just when you thought you'd seen it all in a campaign...


Anonymous said...

Didn't you know that everyone picks their campaign signs up the night before the election.

So that way the people going to the polls will notice they're all gone, and they'll reward the campaign who left boulevards the tidiest?

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