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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, March 03, 2007

Patients Won't Die Fast Enough

What do you do when you're a doctor and your patients just won't die fast enough? Give 'em a hand!

A critically ill man in San Luis Obispo was going to donate his organs after he died. In fact, he was scheduled to be removed from a lung machine which was pumping oxygen into his body.

But apparently his death wasn't quick enough for the transplant surgeon, who injected the patient with a massive dose of drugs to hasten his demise.

From the LA Times:

The amounts of the painkiller morphine and the sedative Ativan that the report says were given to Navarro were 'between 10 and 20 times a usual dose of these drugs,' said Dr. Philip S. Barie, president-elect of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, who was not involved in the preparation of the document.

I believe in organ donation, and am listed as a donor on my driver's license. But this kind of attitude is making me rethink it.

When you couple this behavior with what happened to Terri Schiavio a couple of years ago, I'm almost afraid to set foot in a hospital.

It seems the overall lack of regard for human life is truly getting dangerous. Many have no qualms about harvesting human embryos for experimentation, killing their unborn children, or euthanising people that they, in their vast wisdom, deem no longer worthy of living.


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