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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Who We're Dealing With

Given the American predilection for denying the existence of evil, I doubt many Americans have a clue what and who it is we're dealing with in the Middle East and with terrorism.

From WorldNetDaily today, an update on the latest olive branch from the Religion of Peace:

Immediately after the Israeli evacuation was completed, Palestinians mobs destroyed most of the Gaza synagogues, including two major synagogues in Neve Dekalim, the largest Gush Katif community. In front of international camera crews, the Palestinians ripped off aluminum window frames and metal ceiling fixtures from the Neve Dekalim synagogues, which were situation close to each other in the center of town. Militants flew the Palestinian and Hamas flags from the structures before mobs burned down the synagogues.

Speaking to WND from Gaza, Abu Abir, spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees terrorist organization, said the area where the synagogues once stood now is used to fire rockets at Israel.

'We are proud to turn these lands, especially these parts that were for long time the symbol of occupation and injustice, like the synagogue, into a military base and source of fire against the Zionists and the Zionist entity,' Abu Abir said.

Meanwhile, the US pressures Israel into, peace, and congressional Democrats discuss emasculating our President's war authority and our military...


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