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Thursday, March 01, 2007

But He Had Feelings For Her!

If feelings are the standard in our modern culture, and from abortion to homosexuality to crime, as it appears to be, then I don't know why they're persecuting this illegal alien, er, undocumented worker.

From WorldNetDaily:

An illegal alien from Mexico was sentenced in Maryland to a 10-year sentence for impregnating the 12-year-old daughter of a family with whom he was living, with 8 1/2 years suspended by the judge.

Noberto Vasquez-Fuentes, 21, was sentenced under a plea agreement that included a guilty plea to second-degree rape of the girl with whom he had sex on five occasions in September 2005.

But there was a good reason why this undocumented worker had sex with this 12-year-old: he cared for her.

Assistant Public Defender William Davis, attorney for Vasquez-Fuentes, suggested "a cultural difference" may have kept his client from realizing his actions were wrong.

"He did have feelings for her," Davis told the Annapolis Capital.

It should have been enough that he had feelings for the victim, er, object of his affection. But when you consider that this man was economically disadvantaged, you can certainly understand why this compassionate judge would suspend 85% of this undocumented worker's rape sentence.

Isn't it great to live in such a compassionate country?


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