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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, March 01, 2007

More Cold Water on Jesus Tomb Claim

National Geographic featured a story yesterday throwing more cold water on the sensational claim that the tomb of Jesus had been found.

"Their movie is not serious," Amos Kloner, the Bar Ilan University professor who led the excavation in the 1980s, told National Geographic News.

"They [say they] are 'discovering' things. But they haven't discovered anything. They haven't found anything. Everything had already been published.

"And there is no basis on which to make a story out of this or to identify this as the family of Jesus."

From a Jerusalem professor:

"I don't think it says Yehoshua [Jesus]. It says Hanun or something," Pfann said, after viewing high-resolution images of the ossuary inscription in question.

This has shaped up very quickly as just another Hollywood hit job on Christianity.

Maybe these God-haters just don't realize we live in a new information age. In times past, they might have been able to succeed with this kind of hit-job because the God-hating Left controlled the few media sources that existed.

But now there are other news outlets and the internet to quickly research and expose pathetic attempts like this.

Wake up, Guys! Leftist propaganda isn't a sure thing anymore. Ask Dan Rather: you often end up with egg on your face instead.


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