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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, March 01, 2007

Gore: Too Much Balance in the Media

That's the Left for ya: anything less than a 100% lockdown of liberal talking points=bias.

From the Tennessean:

'I believe that is one of the principal reasons why political leaders around the world have not yet taken action,' Gore said. 'There are many reasons, but one of the principal reasons in my view is more than half of the mainstream media have rejected the scientific consensus implicitly — and I say 'rejected,' perhaps it's the wrong word. They have failed to report that it is the consensus and instead have chosen … balance as bias.'

The major networks and national newspapers have certainly been on-message for Gore, so Gore must be complaining about those pesky "alternative media" source that aren't in obedience to the party line. That, or those hundreds of disagreeing scientists who make his "scientific consensus" statement fall a little flat.

Every now and then, you get those little flashes of candor from the Left. I'm glad I didn't miss this one.


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