What is it with all the doublespeak these days?
- We have groups like South Dakota Campaign for "Healthy" families that urges people to support a procedure which kills unborn children and subjects women to health risks and a lifetime of regret.
- We also have a group called Pastors for Moral Choices that apparently couldn't recognize a moral choice if it came up to them and bit their noses off.
A bunch of worthless excuses for "pastors" from the latter group held a press conference today where they condemned Referred Law 6, saying it was "neither just nor compassionate" according to the Argus Leader.
One of their reasons for opposing the abortion ban is that they claim it would "prohibit people of faith from following their consciences." Don't they mean it would "prohibit people of faith from following their lack of a conscience?" Or possibly they mean it would "prohibit people of faith from violating their consciences?"
God, the author of human life, didn't plant a conscience in people that says "go kill the life I put in your womb if it's inconvenient for you."
This bunch of spiritual reprobates also claim to oppose Referred Law 6 because they claim it would "force women and girls to carry pregnancies caused by violence or coercion."
I certainly wouldn't send any of these jokers even to pick up some apples at the store for me. If I told them to pick the best, most ripe apples, they'd likely come back with a bunch of rotted mush, if this is the best "moral choice" they can come up with.
Becoming pregnant as a result of a rape would be a terrible thing. Encouraging the woman to kill her own child--a child that is half "her"--simply because the child was conceived in a violent act, is one of the most morally irresponsible recommendations I believe I've ever heard from someone who enjoys the misplaced honor of being a member of the clergy. These people will have a lot to answer for someday when they face their Creator, the Creator of those whom these "pastors" are giving hearty approval to the destruction of.
Despite their drift toward liberalism and moral aimlessness, I know there are still some good Christians left in the denominations represented by this bunch of churchy charlatans; these are the ones we were warned about in Acts 20: 29-30 and 2 Timothy 4:3-4. Hopefully the remaining Christians will either throw out these deceivers, or will leave these rotting corpses of Christianity behind and go somewhere that God's word is still believed. Because by their own testimony today, wherever these "pastors" are, sound doctrine isn't.
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Wolves on the Loose
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