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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Not Just Christian

Ooooohh, I guess respect for life isn't just a Christian value.

Yet another good letter to the editor of the Rapid City Journal today:

Pro-life record

Alone among the ancient societies, the Hebrews regarded abortion as a crime associated with murder. Jewish tradition universally praises those who resisted abortion.

In Temple days, Jewish courts punished abortion as a crime. In "Against Apion," Flavius Josephus, explaining Jewish practice in Jerusalem, wrote: "The (Jewish) Law orders all the offspring to be brought up, and forbids women either to cause abortion or to make away with the fetus: a woman convicted of this commits infanticide, because she destroys a soul and diminishes the race."

In "A Study of Abortion in Primitive Societies" (1955), ethnographer George Devereaux said, "Jews considered it (abortion) a heathen abomination."

Since Christianity developed out of Judaism, no wonder Christians have promoted the sanctity of life for 2,000 years. Honor Judaism's magnificent 5,700-year and Christianity's 2,000-year pro-life record by voting for Eli Schwiesow and yes on Referendum 6 to keep HB1215

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