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Monday, October 09, 2006

Media Misrepresents Rep. Larry Rhoden

Received an email today from Sandy Rhoden, wife of state House of Representatives Majority Leader Larry Rhoden.

Seems someone in the media is misrepresenting Rep. Rhoden's position on Referred Law 6.

To our surprise, the associate press released a very misleading quote and statement about Larry's position on the exceptions in Ref. Law 6. Once again the press has done a very convincing job of making it sound as though he has regrets, and because of the polls he has somehow changed his position.

I'm here to tell you that nothing could be further from the truth. The New York reporter led him into a statement by asking him if he'd ever had any second thoughts. As with any bill of monumental proportions, one many times wonders, at least momentarily, if they've made the right decision, especially when bombarded with emails, phone calls, and all kinds of press opposing that decision.

Larry spoke to this man for 30 minutes very positively about HB1215, Ref. Law 6, and felt good about the interview. He felt it put a very good light on the bill with NO exceptions. However, the journalist chose to twist the interview to make it sound as though Larry was not totally behind it without exceptions. After the long interview, the reporter used only one of Larry's quotes which was used to convey 'his' twisted message.

"I've spent a great deal of time and thought wondering if it would have been wiser to write in the exceptions. We have a long row to hoe based on the numbers I've seen". This was Larry's quote. The 'journalist's words' were: "He was swayed by women's testimony that their abortions left emotional scars, but now--aware of polls showing his side behind--he has second thoughts. " In Larry's quote there is no 'second thoughts' comment at all. The polls have played 'no' role in his position and he takes little stock in them.

Larry had no second thoughts when he first signed the bill, HB1191 two years ago, nor does he now. He has spoken at a dozen events and still plans to speak at several more "Proclaiming Life and Liberty" programs that we have left. Just as he spoke on the House floor about how "a life is a life and all life is precious" he has been echoing those words from June 4 until today. Larry has sacrificed 9 Sundays to travel and speak about this and much more.
Just wanted to set the record straight...which is something the liberal media has a wee bit of a problem with (but it's only us Right-wingers who are biased, right?).


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