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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Real Doctors Choose Life

Unlike some doctors around South Dakota who seem to have no problem with killing an unborn child, a group of pro-life doctors has formed to let the public know that not all doctors are willing to turn a blind eye to murder.

From the Rapid City Journal:

“We are all here as members and representatives of South Dakota Physicians For Life. We are united in our support of HB1215.”
Dr. Don Oliver of Rapid City explains why an abortion is not just a woman removing some unwanted "tissue" or "cells" from her body, but is the murder of a distinct, individual human being:
“A genetically unique, separate human life begins at the moment of conception,” Oliver said. “An abortion, therefore, destroys a unique human individual that can never be replaced.”
From conception, the unborn child has a DNA sequence completely unique, DNA that is different from its mother or father. It is its own unique person, not a "blob of tissue" or "zytoblast."

The original Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors to preserve life included a prohibition against performing abortions.

In recent decades, some doctors have decided to "get hip" and trendy and PC and have succeeded in removing the prohibition against abortion from that Oath.

Not these doctors.

And they can't be minimized by calling them a "minority" as Dr. Marvin Buehner did.

Have you ever been overruled in a group decision? That's okay when it comes to deciding what restaurant to go to, but consensus is a lousy way to decide whether someone lives or dies. How would you like it if "majority rules" when it came to whether you live or die?

Abolitionists who wanted to end slavery 150 years ago were in the minority. Does that mean we should have kept slavery?

Dr. Ann Church summed up the whole thing nicely:
“I think we hear a lot of talk sometimes about (how) abortion should be rare but safe,” she said. “I think this bill fits that. It fits it to a T.”


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