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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Letters to the Editor

There were several good letters to the editor of the Rapid City Journal today. Here's one:

Smart girls

I'm glad women of today realize they have a choice. Opportunities are unlimited; deciding "yes" or "no" is the hard part.

Making a good choice is the secret of happiness. "He" cannot make you happy, that's your territory! Nor can you gift "him" happiness. Happiness comes from self-fulfillment within.

Important choices should not be made on the spur of the moment but according to your own principles and beliefs. Good choices are made by thought and listening to the small, pure voice of one's conscience - that sense we have of both right and wrong. Sexual feelings or impulses don't necessarily mean love.

Smart Girls don't trade their bodies sexually for love promises. Smart Girls know sex can gift you a crying baby in nine months. Smart Girls choose to say no loudly and with closure. Smart Girls don't kill their own babies by abortion. Smart Girls are the women men choose to marry. Smart girls make good choices!

Rapid City


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