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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Choice or Coersion

Abortion is all about "choice" right? Or are many women coerced into killing their own children? I guess if we got rid of abortion altogether, we'd get rid of that coercion factor as well.

One more good letter from the Rapid City Journal today (boy, those pro-life fanatics were sure out in force today) :-):

War for women

Melanie Sekellick wrote a terrific letter published Oct. 3. She understands well that there is war regarding Referred Law 6. She correctly believes that women have and rightly deserve choices, rights and decisions about their own bodies, and she wisely relates this to her infant daughter asleep in the next room.

The only thing Melanie misses is seeing the end from the beginning. In her own words: "Not a good idea."

Melanie could have decided not to allow her infant daughter any rights at all, if she had chosen an abortion rather than to carry that little girl and birth her. This is silencing women in the most horrific way possible.

And what if Melanie had wanted her baby, but her little girl's dad insisted she have an abortion, like what happened to me? That was in 1983 right here in Rapid City, and I did not have the backbone to stand up for my child. I murdered my infant and the state allowed it.

The war is not against women. It is for women. It is a war for life, choices, decisions and rights.

I beg anyone reading this letter to please vote Yes.

Rapid City


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