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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, October 12, 2006

Jesus is not a socialist

WorldNetDaily has a good piece today by Tom Snyder about these idiots who call themselves "Red Letter Christians" (misinterpreting the "red letters" while apparently while ignoring the rest of the Bible).

He points out the classic liberal/socialist mistake regarding charity and compassion:

God presents us with three general ways in the Bible to take care of the poor and needy: 1) through the family; 2) through the church; and 3) through individual charity. The applicable passages for these three ways are Deuteronomy 14:28, 29, Numbers 18:24, Matthew 6:1-4 and 1 Timothy 5:3-16.
Then he spells it out:
In other words, Jesus is not a socialist. Nor is he a liberal. In fact, in none of the Bible passages just cited, nor in any others I know of, does Jesus, God or even Moses cite the government as the means by which the poor, needy, widowed and orphaned are housed, clothed and fed.
Then Snyder gets to what is really at the heart of it for socialists:
it is interesting to recall that the 10th Commandment in Exodus 20:17 actually protects private property by commanding people not to covet their neighbor's house or belongings. That commands applies to the average citizen as well as the elected official, the judge and all other government officials.
You see, it isn't about need with these Marxists (there are actually very few "needy" people in America), but it has everything to do with envy and covetousness. If your neighbor wants to share his wealth with you--fine. But you have no business coveting his wealth and possessions under the hypocritical mask which claims "he has more than his fair share."

Did he steal what he has? Did he cheat to get what he has? If you can't prove he did, then shut up! Otherwise you're just being a greedy little weasel who wants what isn't yours.

Snyder winds down with:
Finally, it is interesting to note that, in Mark 7:20-23, not only does Jesus Christ declare that all sex outside of heterosexual marriage, including homosexuality, pre-marital sex and adultery, is evil, he also declares that both greed and envy are evil. Thus, Jesus Christ condemns both the greed of the rich man as well as the greed of the poor man, and the envy of the poor man as well as the envy of the rich man.

Good stuff. The wisdom that the greatness of this nation was founded on. Too bad so many people have forgotten it in the heat of their envy.


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