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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Questions McCain Should Have Asked Obama

John McCain missed some great opportunities tonight to really point out some important differences between himself and Barack Obama--and some critical deficiencies in Obama's judgment.

As Fred J. Eckert pointed out earlier today in his column at Human Events, McCain should have taken Obama up on his invitation and asked him, to his face,

“Why are you so comfortable keeping company with people who hate America?”

As important as so many issues are right now to our country, I can think of no more important one than this.

The welfare and defense of our country should come before health care, the economy, before social policy, before anything. If our country is under attack, our very lives and future as a country are at stake.

If someone in a position of power is friendly with people who hate our country, this is cause for alarm. If someone who wants to run our country is friendly with people who hate America, alarm should be off the scale.

Eckert has a few other choice comments he would have liked McCain to have made at the debate tonight:

“Senator Obama, aren’t you at all embarrassed that something you and Osama bin Laden have in common is that you both have associates who have bombed the Pentagon?”

“You were full grown and holding public office on 9/11 when Ayers was saying that he wished he had bombed more American targets.”

"You were full grown when Ayers appeared on the cover of a Chicago magazine stomping on an American flag.”

Read Eckert's full post for some more things it would be good to hear from Barack Obama on.

Along the same lines of Eckert's original question, there are some things I wish Obama would explain to me:

- Why do you want to lead a country that your pastor of 20 years seems to loathe so much?

- Why do you want to lead a country when you plan to gut the military defense of that country?

- Why do you want to lead a country that your wife could find no reason to be proud of until recently?

I also have a question I would like every Obama voter to explain to me: do you love America, and if you do, why would you vote for someone so surrounded by people who loathe America?


Haggs said...

The problem with that is that those questions only really impact the conservative base. I can understand why you want those issues brought up again and again (and again). You're a part of that base. But the rest of America isn't interested in hearing about that stuff and that's why we've seen McCain slide in the polls.

And to answer your dumb questions: Yes I love American and that's why I'm voting for Obama. I strongly believe that conservatives Republicans have caused too much damage to this country to be allowed to continue to run our government. And I don't see anyone around Obama who hates America. Ayers and Wright are not around him right now and they won't be anywhere near him in the future.

Bob Ellis said...

Yes, I know you're tired of hearing about silly things like anti-American terrorists who set off bombs in the U.S Capitol, the Pentagon, police stations and such...and that Obama seems to be pretty cool with that.

Sorry if I woke you. After Nov. 4 you can go back to your undisturbed slumber.

If your vision of America looks like something out of the Communist Manifesto or Huxley's Brave New World, Haggs, then yes, conservatives are an enemy of America and have done considerable damage.

If, however, you have a grasp on how America was founded to be and how the Constitution says we should be, then you'll wonder--as I do--how someone could say they love America and still vote for a radical socialist social engineer like Obama.

Love all the goodies American can give you? Sure. Love the noble ideals and Christian values upon which America was founded? Liberals and the Democrat Party are the total enemy of all that patriotic Americans hold dear.

Haggs said...

Isn't it great we can both live in this country and have such different views about what we think is good for American and where we want it to go? God bless America!

Also, I think the Republican arguement against scary socialism lost its power when we pretty much nationalized the banks recently.

Bob Ellis said...

It is great that we have that freedom; sad that there can be such profound ignorance about how our country is supposed to operate, and about the dangers of moving away from that.

As for the argument about "scary socialism," once we start to see what an incredibly stupid and un-American move that was...then people may finally start to see how right we've been all along to warn about this kind of thing.

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