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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pro-Choice People Want to Restrict Abortion

It seems even "pro-choice" folks think abortion should be restricted. That's pretty amazing when someone who calls themselves "pro-choice" doesn't believe abortion should be used for birth 84.6% of the abortions in South Dakota in 2006 were.

NewsMax and LifeNews report today that even pro-choice Americans are against abortion on demand.

NewsMax says

A surprising 71 percent of Americans who describe themselves as “pro-choice” actually favor significantly restricting abortions, a new nationwide survey reveals.

Broken down a little, LifeNews says
Some 60 percent of Americans say abortions should never be allowed or only in the rarest of circumstances, such as rape and incest, that constitution less than two percent of all abortions nationwide.

Barack Obama is a little out-there on abortion:
only 8 percent agreed with Barack Obama's position that abortions should be allowed any time during pregnancy for any reason.

I believe the poll also revealed a glimpse of the herd-instinct which often skews poll results:
The results showed the terms pro-life and "pro-choice" are confusing to a large percentage of Americans. Even though the survey found 60 percent of respondents took a pro-life position against all or most abortions, 50 percent of Americans called themselves "pro-choice" while 44 percent said they were pro-life.

When the "mainstream" media tells people day in and day out what the "right" choice is, what the "smart people" think, and what the "enlightened" position is, many folks tend to parrot that. Some will actually follow through and obediently follow the direction they are told the herd is moving in, and some will do what they know is right, but will parrot the "right answer" when talking with a member of the liberal "elite."

Let's hope the voters of South Dakota decide not to be parrots of any variety on November 4 and vote for life on Initiated Measure 11.


Christina Dunigan said...

I've said more times than I can count that the single biggest accomplishment we can make to fight abortion is to wake up prochoice citizens to the gap between what they want and what the abortion lobby pursues with their support.

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