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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ohio Plumber: Obama's Answer on Taxes 'Scared Me Even More'

Neil Cavuto interviewed the plumber whom Barack Obama recently told that he wanted to take this man's wealth and spread it around for him.

In this interview, as amazing as it is, it quickly becomes apparent that this plumber isn't too keen on that notion.

Imagine that: this plumber actually thinks he's entitled to spend the money he earned as he sees fit. Who does he think he is--an American or something?

He has apparently been misled by these selfish types like James Madison who really don't understand what America is all about.

This lowly (perhaps uneducated and unqualified) plumber apparently is not sophisticated enough to realize socialist realities. He doesn't understand that he is not intelligent enough or qualified to know how to spend or allocate his money.

How wonderful it would be to have Barack Obama on hand to help this poor, incompetent plumber run his life.


Unknown said...

This country has ridden an enormous wave of success on the back of the American worker. Guess what? The American worker is tapped out. He's broke. His credit cards are maxed. His home values are declining. He doesn't have any more money to spend. Money is scarce for the American worker, even though he is employed and is one of the most productive workers in the world. As a result of the American worker being broke, businesses bottom lines are suffering because the demand for their products and services isn't there. Unless we can figure out how to get more money into the American worker's pockets, everyone, businesses included, is going to suffer. We can start by taxing the American worker less. With more money to spend, he's bound to spend more, thus helping businesses. With more demand from the American worker for products and services, businesses will be able to create more jobs and sell more products and services. But without the American worker being able to spend more money, businesses won't have the demand and resulting revenues necessary to create more jobs and their products and services won't be selling. Unfortunately, simply taxing the American worker less won't fully solve our problems.

A large part of the problem, namely that the American worker is tapped out, is largely caused by the tremendous hoarding of assets by the nation's most wealthy. We're not talking saving for a rainy day or for kids educations. We're talking about serious, piles of money hoarding. In the United States at the end of 2001, 10% of the population owned 71% of the wealth, and the top 1% controlled 38%. On the other hand, the bottom 40% owned less than 1% of the nation's wealth. I'm sure its even worse now. This hoarding of assets by the nation's top 10% creates a tremendous scarcity of money for the remaining 90%. Unless the top 10% reduces its hoards of money in a way that gets money back to the American Worker, the scarcity of money for 90% of the country will remain. If the scarcity of money for 90% of the country remains, business, our economy, and our people will suffer terribly as a result of reduced demand.

I see two options to accomplish this ... 1) get the top 10% and in particular the top 1% to start spending and giving on a massive scale; or 2) tax the top 10% and in particular the top 1% at higher rates and spend the money in a way that spreads it around.

Bob Ellis said...

Brandon, what right do you or any other America have to say that one person makes too much money or has too much money?

What gives the U.S. government the right to make that determination? If you're looking, you're going to be looking for a long, long, long time because there is NOTHING in the U.S. Constitution which authorizes the government to take one person's money and give it to another.

How much money do you make? Perhaps it would be okay with you if I just declared you make too much.

In case you missed history class, what you advocate is Marxism. It's been tried many times around the world...and failed every time.

Even if it had worked, it would be immoral. It's nothing but government theft.

It's absolutely pathetic that an American would advocate such a thing.

Eric said...

Bob Ellis: Wesley Snipes must be your hero.

Bob Ellis said...

Why, Eric? Has he done anything to lower tax burdens?

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