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Thursday, August 07, 2008

U.S. Senate Candidate Dykstra Accepts Debate Invitation

From today's mailbag:

Sioux Falls, S.D. - Republican Senate Candidate Joel Dykstra has accepted the invitation to participate in a formal debate of candidates for U.S. Senate hosted by KELO-LAND TV. The hour-long forum is scheduled for Tuesday, October 21 and will be moderated by News Anchor Angela Kennecke. The debate will be broadcast live on the entire KELO-TV network of stations starting at 7:00 p.m. CT. It will also be broadcast on KCLO-TV at 6:00 p.m. MT.

Dykstra said he is excited to have the chance to address the key issues facing South Dakota and America in front of the kind of statewide audience that KELO-TV can deliver. "The KELO-TV debate provides an excellent forum for both Senator Johnson and me to outline our positions and our vision for the direction our Congress needs to go in the future," he stated.

Dykstra added, "Much is at stake this fall. I hope Senator Johnson's campaign staff will allow him to participate in this important discussion for the benefit of South Dakota voters."

Dykstra said voters deserve a straight-forward debate on the issues. "Senator Johnson and I have different views about serious challenges including energy policy. For more than a year now I have been advocating a comprehensive energy policy that included domestic drilling as well as renewable sources and conservation," he said. Senator Johnson and his national leaders have opposed that. The voters deserve to hear the arguments on both sides.

Dykstra also looks forward to talking about other key issues during the debate such as ways to stabilize the national economy, the high cost of health insurance and access to health care. "South Dakotans have dealt with these core issues for many years, and have been frustrated because they have not been addressed by Congress. It's time for someone to step up and actually offer some solutions," he said.


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