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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, February 15, 2008

Hillary Clinton's so-called solutions...

by Carrie K. Hutchens

Just like the undefined "35 years of experience", Hillary is spouting about having solutions. Anyone can claim to have solutions, just like they can claim to have experience. But does the person have either? It's rather difficult to tell when that person -- Hillary Clinton -- doesn't give details that can be checked out and verified. But then, one of her known solutions is mandatory health care. Mandatory? That ought to turn the most loyal working class supporter off in a heart beat.

How is mandatory health care supposed to help people? That's making people do what they would have been doing in the first place if they could have afforded it -- buying health insurance. But I guess Hillary thinks people aren't smart enough to take care of themselves without her telling them how they will spend their hard earned money and on what. Of course, Bill warned us about her making decisions for everybody else, didn't he? He said she was real good at it. Light bulb should go on. We should immediately ask ourselves if we are children or adults? Do we need a president or an over-bearing parent with a seeming fetish for control?

Voting is something none of us should take lightly. It's vitally important that we spend it wisely, especially in this day and age with all the dangers and problems we are facing. There are no returns and exchanges. Once spent -- that's it!

The Clintons are reported to be outstanding politicians. And we really want people playing us to get their way? We really want the games to go on, rather than to have true and accurate information presented to us for our fair consideration?

Please exclude me from the above "we"!

Bill Clinton stood in front of the nation via television and declared that he did not have sex with that woman. Likewise, Bill and Hillary stood in front of the nation, said and implied that Obama said what he did not say. This was from their own lips to our ears -- not some reporter getting it wrong. This leaves me with a question to ask.

How can we trust someone who would so boldly get in front of us and outright lie like that? How can we trust someone, who seems to think we should believe whatever she (or he) says in spite of what we know to be truth?

Obama didn't say what the Clintons claimed that day.

I know. I heard both what Obama said and what the Clintons said he said. I'm still offended that the Clintons thought me so stupid as to fall for that old trick.

So now, we not only have Hillary claiming the 35 years of experience that she never truly defines and clarifies -- we have her claiming she has solutions?

Are these solutions like the mandatory health care? The health care she wants to make us pay for whether we can afford it or not -- because Hillary knows best?

Are these like telling us that Obama said what he never said?

Maybe they are the solutions that kind of change depending on the particular audience at any given moment?

One does have a right to wonder.

The Clintons supposedly excel as chameleons -- I mean politicians. They supposedly have politics down to a science. So when they claim an obvious lie as the truth -- I think we have a right to wonder about the validity of the solutions Hillary is suddenly claiming to have in mind. Are they also an illusion and distortion to dangle before the American people she seems to think she has a right to herd, rather than hear?

One can only wonder and I do!


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