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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, February 11, 2008

Confirmed: Adelstein Runs Again

Today's Rapid City Journal reports what the street was already saying: Stan Adelstein is going to run for his old District 32 state senate seat that he lost in 2006.

In addition to the obligatory "I'm not running against anyone" language, the article included another interesting bit:

He said he does not expect opposition from anti-abortion groups that worked against him in the 2006 primary.



Anonymous said...

To see the way Stan spends his money on Democrat candidates and issues check out for a detailed list compiled from the South Dakota Secretary of State office.

Hope this is ok to post.

Bruce -

Bob Ellis said...

Yes, the War College is an excellent resource for political spending in South Dakota, and Adelstein's spending for the other party is well documented there. Any Republican considering supporting Adelstein should check it out.

Dakota Voice
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