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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

City of Berkeley Says "Get Out!" to USMC

The San Francisco Bay area, once famous for restaurants, bridges and trolley cars, continues to redefine itself (more). This time it’s across the bay in Berkeley, famous since the 60’s as a hub of anti-America/leftist/socialist radicalism. So this recent news certainly doesn’t surprise this one-time resident of the city by the bay.

A blogger calling himself “Zombie” has been active for some time in chronicling the nuttiness around the People’s Republic and has posted a number of photos of the activities in Berkeley this past week.

The San Francisco Chronicle on-line has this report, and has phone numbers and e-mail addresses to contact the Berkeley City Council for those wishing to make themselves heard.

As the right-wing blogosphere railed and a U.S. senator vowed financial retaliation against the Berkeley City Council for its effort to boot the Marine Corps out of town, three war protesters ratcheted up pressure from the left by chaining themselves Friday to the front door of the downtown Marine recruiting office.
The demonstrators snapped their locks shut at 7 a.m. and spent the next 7 1/2 hours blocking the door, waving and chanting as hundreds of cars driving by honked in support. Finally, at 2:30 p.m., police snipped the chains and arrested them.
Two of the three were cited for blocking a business and released, and the third was booked into jail on an unrelated traffic warrant, police said.
The demonstrators promptly said they will keep protesting outside the recruiting station at 64 Shattuck Square until the Marines leave Berkeley - which is what the City Council advised the service to do in a vote Tuesday night that called the Marines 'unwelcome intruders.'


Bob Ellis said...

This kind of garbage at Berkley is a national shame.

When I hear stuff like this, I want to lose all decorum and polity and tell these ungrateful anti-Americans to just get the hell out of my country and go live in one of the hellholes around the world they obviously think is better.

Unknown said...

ain't YOUR country bob, if you don't like free speech, in all its forms, then you leave, and please do let the door hit you on the way way out.

Bob Ellis said...

Wow, that's brazen, Don.

It IS my country, and it's yours, too, and these Marines are protecting our country. If you don't love our country enough to protect it, YOU get out.

Me, I love it and want to preserve it.

Unknown said...

i did not say anything about not loving my country. i do. and i believe that you do also. what you don't seem to accept is that the ladies of code pink probably do too. what they want is their right to demonstrate openly and loudly respected. something that you seem to want to deny them. love for a country comes in many forms. that's what the marines and the army and the navy is protecting.

being an american is to "defend the right of someone to scream at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing."

Bob Ellis said...

If they love their country so much, why such vehement opposition to those willing to fight and lay down their lives to defend their country?

Such a position defies reason and common sense.

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