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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hillary Clinton Debate Demands

Do We Have Too?

by Carrie K. Hutchens

Personally, I hope that Obama doesn't give into Hillary Clinton's debate demands, for no other reason than I am beyond sick of the debating, but feel obligated to stay on top of what is transpiring. I mean... what is left to debate? It's the same thing over and over and over again. How about trying something new for that free advertising she seems to be after? It certainly would bring a sigh of relief to many that feel the same as I do.

The way it is playing out though...

Since Hillary Clinton's funds went further south than north, she has had this urge to do a debate a week. It's even reported that she has an ad going in Wisconsin to make it sound as though Obama is simply trying to avoid debate with her. According to the Washington Post, "Clinton Airing New Ads in Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin",
it goes like this, "Both Democratic candidates have been invited to a televised Wisconsin debate. Hillary Clinton has said yes. Barack Obama hasn't. Maybe he'd prefer to give speeches than have to answer questions. Like why Hillary Clinton has the only health care plan that covers every American, and the only economic plan that freezes foreclosures. Wisconsin deserves to hear both candidates debate the issues that matter. And that's not debatable."

Not mentioned in the Wisconsin ad is that Obama, though he didn't have to -- no obligation on his part -- did accept two debates with Hillary. One is in Austin, Texas on February 21st, and another in Cleveland, Ohio on February 26th according to Timesonline.

Sadly it seems -- for some of us -- Obama did agree to at least two of the debates Hillary is trying to make happen. Since he did, how about a new twist to those? How about the moderators "make" Clinton obey the rules? How about she either obeys the "time limits" or the debate ends right then and there? How about she either answers the questions, instead of going off wherever she decides she wants to go, or the debate ends right then and there? Now that is a debate I could get into!

Will it happen?

Some say that Hillary is held to a different standard than others. I agree. She gets by with breaking rules that others do not. She twisted Obama's words and got caught. When she got called on it, surrogates and supporters were crying that she was being picked on. They claimed she was being held to a different standard. What these particular people aren't realizing is that they are requesting that Hillary be able to get a free ride with regard to anything and everything she happens to do that is inappropriate and rule-breaking. Why? How is that to be considered that everyone is being held to the same standards?

This reminds me of some years back when people were demanding jobs that they were incapable of doing. For example, a woman that couldn't lift over 60 pounds wanting to work on a dock where one must be able to lift 200 pounds. She wanted the job without being held to the same standards as her male counter-parts. That isn't how it is suppose to work.

If the job requires a certain ability, then all should be held to that standard. Likewise, Hillary Clinton should have to be held to the same standard of the male candidates or get off the stage and out of the campaign. She is not entitled to any special treatment, no matter how much she and her supporters want to believe she is. Hillary Clinton is nothing more or less than a person running for the nomination of her party for the presidency bid. As such, she should be held as accountable as all the other candidates.

Hillary Clinton demands debates and tries to force Obama into acceptance? Isn't this called "attempted manipulation" and a showing of her need to control everybody else's business, while failing to tend to her own? Maybe she should pay more attention to her own camp and campaign, and get a handle on it, before trying to force everybody else to do what she wants just when she wants it. Likewise, maybe instead of trying to run the debates, she ought to take her position as one of the debaters and follow the rules just like everyone else is suppose to do.

Let's see if the moderators hold her accountable! That's the least they can do, if we have to endure even one more debate! Do we really have to?

Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


Anonymous said...

Your statemets are very one sided.
I have watched every debate and it seems to me that BO is the one who does not obey the time limits you know the usual now just wait let me finish that takes another 5-6 minutes to get through.
Do you include the amount of time BO interupts any one else that is speaking?
I find it wimpish to refuse any debate that is requested of him
We all know he does not do well when asked questons or in a debate
He does great work when he is the only one speakng because there are no comments or questions to deal with.
So to be fair I would hope that BO will be questioned on his mates questionable actions as of late
Will he be asked if he can control his spouse?
He should be questioned on her comments about the Clintons running of their home and her having to think about supporting Hillary
Had Bill made such comments they would be crying racist yet MB in her Jackie Kennedy wanna be dream world feels she can spew out what ever she pleases because no one will comment for fear of the race issue
To try to defend BO for his fear of debates is something you should be careful of
If he is the nominee how will you defend his fear of debating in the general election??
The Clintons have been made to treat him like a pre schooler but the republicans dont care how much he cries they will rip him to shreads
Again go back view the debates and see who does not follow the rules
Oh but thats right he doesnt have to play by the same rules as every one else does he ?
Protect him all you want but eventually he will have to stand up and face what ever comes from where ever it comes from
Why has he refused the debates ??
He is afraid of them
So when a world criss comes along will he have to take a smoke break and think it over??
If he doesnt have enough self control to quit smoking knowing how un healthy it is -What makes you think he would have any self control in any other issues in his life??
Wanting debates with him is manipulation??
Is he 4 or in his 40s?
You talk about him like he is some kind of picked on little kid
(big mean Hillary has the cold heartedness to want debates how cruel can she be ) Too Funny

Anonymous said...

Dede Meyer was on NBC this morning wimpering about how unfair the media is to Hillary. She implied that Obama gets a pass because he is black, but it's still OK to bash women saying that "this is a conversation that America hasn't had yet." Good grief, it seems we've been having that conversation since Gloria Steinem burned her first bra.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

My defense of Obama? Protect him all I want? I talk about him like he is some kind of picked on little kid?

I was addressing Hillary Clinton's behavior and my opinion of it. Trying to give me all the things you see negative about Obama, doesn't change one thing I said. It does appear, however, that you are attempting to distract from her behavior, and her responsibility thereof, by saying, "Look over there at what he did!". Does this mean that you approve of her attempts to not take responsibility for the things she says and does?

So you watched all the debates and claim that Obama, rather than Hillary, had a problem with time on a regular basis? Wonder how come the moderators on MSNBC, I believe it was, had to keep addressing Hillary? And when one of the comments was made about people not obeying the time limit rules -- Edwards laughed, leaned over to Hillary and said something to the effect, "That's you?"

Do you think by saying, "Again go back view the debates and see who does not follow the rules", that people will automatically think you must be telling the truth or you wouldn't invite them to do so? Most people have caught on to that trick. As for me, I find it a childish, manipulative gesture, and have little tolerance for those who attempt to pull it on me.

You said that you find it "wimpish to refuse any debate that is requested of him." Did you likewise find it wimpish of Hillary when she found reason not to debate during her run for senate?

Obama didn't bring up race -- the Clintons did! So don't try to twist or distort the facts like Bill and HIllary did, because it doesn't fly with me.

I don't know why Obama doesn't want to debate anymore than the two he has agreed to. You'll have to ask him about that. However, he has no obligation to debate ever if he doesn't want to. Trying to force him to agree, such as is being done (the fashion), amounts to the appearance of little kids on the playground trying to force another to do things their way or they'll call the kid names and accuse him of being scared or whatever. How ridiculous. Yeah, that makes me want to have Hillary running my country -- NOT!

You keep trying to make it sound like it is wrong for someone to run their campaign their way, rather than to stop and do whatever the competition wants at any given moment, so tell me this... Why does Hillary want so many debates? Is she that low on money and that bad at speeches? Is she trying to keep Obama away from the people as much as she can, because she is afraid he will win them over?

My article was about dreaded debates and Hillary's behavior, not meant as defense of Obama! Since you immediately took it as defense of him, suggests to me that you have a realization (on some level at least) that Hillary hasn't been playing a fair game of campaigning. There may have been a time when people thought dirty tricks were acceptable in political campaigns, but that is fast growing to be an attitude from ancient history.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Theophrastus, I would ask if you were kidding, but I have no doubt you are nothing but serious. All I can say is...

How pathetic is that? And these women actually want us to take them seriously?

(I will refrain from any comments on ole Gloria -- at least for now!)

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that Hillary Clinton is the same person who refused even a single debate in her 2006 senatorial primary in NY. She wouldn't even debate once. She is absolutely hypocritical and that should get some press too.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

"She is absolutely hypocritical and that should get some press too."

I so agree!

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