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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, February 14, 2008

Death Toll In School Shooting Rises To 6

Northern Illinois University Says 16 Others Wounded

UPDATED: 8:25 pm CST February 14, 2008

Authorities said a man dressed in black opened fire from a stage of a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University on Thursday afternoon, killing five people and himself.

University President John Peters said four of the victims, including the gunman, were found dead at the scene of the shooting, which took place shortly after 3 p.m. CST on Thursday.

Another two people died later at a nearby DeKalb, Ill., hospital and 16 others were injured in the shooting, Peters said.

(Full article)

Though there has been violent crime throughout known history, how did we get to now? How did life come to be of so little value to so many?


Anonymous said...

there is no hope for anyone of this generation, the age bracket that killed in highschool in columbine are now college aged. the prospects for those in this country even with a college education have deteriorated to essentially nothing. it's a hopeless society. these shootings should come as no surprise to anyone save the media who might see it as a welcomed boost to their ratings, the more they glorify and promote this behavior for their own ends the more it will proliferate.

Bob Ellis said...

There won't be any hope for us if we don't turn back to God. This is what happens when we trade in God's absolute transcendent values for man's wisdom.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in evolution but I find evidence for devolution daily. The wisdom and nobility of man is devolving even as we reach new technological advances as rapidly.

The Prince of this world is active and winning souls at an unprecedented rate (at least in America). I agree, Mr. Ellis. This is what comes of a nation that no longer honors or even recognises God.

Anonymous said...

The first report that I heard about this incident was on TV news about 9 PM last evening. I believe it was MSNBC that had a comment from a spokesman from the ATF, saying that the agency will investigate thoroughly the history of the guns used in this killing.

Well, I suppose it will be good to know where the guns came from, but that doesn't seem to me to be the primary concern. Where did this homicidal maniac come from?...and why? That's what I'd like answered. But we'll have a full accounting of the guns and where they've been and how they were obtained and the media and ATF will feel as though they have done their job. And the anti-Second Amendment crowd will get down to work thinking of new and clever ways to undermine my Constitutional rights (with the blessing of the ACLU).

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

It amazes me how some of these people can't get it through their heads that even if they were to succeed in getting guns taken away from the average citizen, they have absolutely no control over keeping weapons from the criminal types. But... oh duh... let's give the criminal types all the fire-power while the good guy sits helpless in the wake of lawlessness.

The right to bear arms, in and of itself, does often give the criminal pause. Most aren't as quick to take on a potential victim that might shoot his rear instead.

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