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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, October 05, 2007

UPDATE: Morningstar Ad Rejection

A couple of days ago, I posted on an article from OneNewsNow which stated Morningstar had rejected an ad from Faith Financial Planners on the basis of it's Christian content.

Yesterday, however, I received an email from Morningstar which says no contract ever existed between Morningstar and Faith Financial Planners, and that no one at Morningstar had asked FFP to "eliminate the Christian undertones from their ad."

Here is what Courtney Goethals Dobrow, Director of Media Relations, told me regarding the rejection of the ad:

To give you a better sense of our internal process, our ad sales team evaluates each ad submission on a case-by-case basis, within our stated advertising guidelines. We have limited sponsorship opportunities available for the special offer area of our Web site and often turn down promotional requests based on a number of factors.

We also frequently turn down ads that we believe make unreasonable or risky promises to investors. The text in this particular ad—"Achieving a double bottom line on your investment – financial and moral!"—raised a red flag with our ad rep. Also, our ad rep was not familiar with the author of the book or the book's contents.

Taking all of these issues into consideration, as well as our advertising guidelines, our ad rep made the judgment call to turn down the promotional offer for this special area of our site.

I have contacted Faith Financial Planners and am awaiting a response from them. I have also contacted OneNewsNow and they are investigating, too.

I will continue to make inquiries to determine the veracity of the claims on both sides and will provide an update as soon as I know something.


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