This is flat-out wrong.
From, the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear an appeal by religious groups who object to a New York law requiring them to provide birth control as a part of insurance coverage to their employees.
I have no objection to birth control. I differ with my Catholic and other Baptist brethren (I'm Baptist) that it is "intrinsically evil," and have no problem with two married people using birth control that doesn't result in the abortion of a fetus.
However, it is flat-out wrong for government to force religious groups to violate their conscience. Beyond this central issue itself, here's why.
No one is forcing anyone to work for these organizations. If they don't like not having birth control covered in the insurance provided by these religious employers, they are as free as the wind to go work somewhere else.
Also, to my knowledge, no one is telling these employees that they cannot work there if they use birth control (even if they were, see the previous paragraph). If those who work for these religious organizations want birth control that isn't provided by the insurance, they are as free as the wind to go buy it on their own.
Our society has become far too full of people who use the courts to force their beliefs on others (not just a prohibition against destructive and harmful behavior, which falls within the legitimate use of law, but forcing others to shell out loot). Our society is far too populated with people who use the courts to force other people to fund their own desires and priorities. Really, though, our government has far too many judges who allow this sort of thing to happen.
The American way of life was built on protecting the freedom of the individual to live their life the way they want. That includes employers and business owners. Forcing people and employers to fund that which they find morally objectionable is completely un-American.
But that seems to be the modern trend. Every principle that once made America great is being abandoned in favor of an egalitarian vision built upon complete license.
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Courts: Forcing Others to Pay for Your Priorities
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