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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, October 01, 2007

Going to Washington D.C.

In about three weeks I'll be going to Washington, D.C. for the Family Research Council's Washington Briefing. The FRC will be accommodating bloggers, so I will definitely be doing some reports from there, possibly some interviews, and hopefully some video as well. I don't know whether I'll be able to stream the video live (the broadcast function of my webcam is about as reliable as a "moderate" politician right now) , but at least I should be able to upload some clips without too much delay. Be sure to check the blog on October 19 & 20 for updates from the briefing.

There is an impressive list of speakers including:

  • Sean Hannity

  • Gary Bauer

  • Chuck Colson

  • William Bennett

  • Judge Robert Bork

  • Mark Levin

  • Rabbi Daniel Lapin

  • Edwin Meese

  • Newt Gingrich

  • Fr. Frank Pavone

  • Star Parker

  • John Fund

  • Robert Rector

  • Rick Santorum

  • Ben Stein

  • Phyllis Schlafly

  • Bobby Schindler

President Bush and Rush Limbaugh have also been invited, though I don't know if they'll be able to attend.

There will also be several presidential candidates speaking:

  • Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS)

  • Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR)

  • Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA)

  • Senator John McCain (R-AZ)

  • Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA)

  • (Former) Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN)

  • Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO)

In fact, for Republicans I think that only leaves Rudy Giuliani and Ron Paul not confirmed to be speaking at the event. No Democrats have agreed to come (perhaps they consider homosexuals and Spanish speakers to be more important voting blocks). A straw poll will be held at the event.

Some of the breakout sessions will cover subjects such as how the blogosphere is shaping political discourse, community activism, bioethics, national security, immigration, the impact of the homosexual agenda, and empowering the family.

Saturday evening will be the Family, Faith and Freedom Gala Dinner during which Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family will be honored, and music will be provided by Lee Greenwood ("God Bless the USA").

I will also be sticking around an extra day and a half to do some sightseeing. I should make all the major monuments, and Senator Thune's office has hooked me up with a tour of the White House. Unfortunately I won't be able to take any pictures inside the White House, but I'll pass along any noteworthy impressions verbally on the blog.

I'm also hoping to squeeze in a tour of Arlington National Cemetery and Mount Vernon, if everything works out just right. I should have internet access from the hotel, so I'll post some of the pics on the blog Oct. 21, 22 & 23.

I hate to be away from my family that long (5 days), but it's more or less a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (and pretty spendy) and I should come back with a ton of pictures with which to wow the kiddies. And I'll be going with Dale Bartscher of the South Dakota Family Policy Council, and several other folks from the Rapid City area, so I should have plenty of good company.


Kataomoi said...

I plan on going to the conference via North Greenville University's small group. I've never been and I'm quite excited. As a senior, I'm on the cusp of entering the world, buckled down by political correctness, trying to operate in the media world, and seeing these guys I've heard mentioned in awed oration... It'll be mind-blowing, to say the least! Hey, maybe I can come by and say hey? The articles here are incredible [and are going to help me in my massive paper due a day before we leave for the conference] and it's great to read about such topics. How many times have you been to the conference? This is my first time, even to visit the capitol city!

Bob Ellis said...

I'm extremely jazzed, too, Holly. Hope to see you there. I'll be on "Bloggers Row." This will be my first time in D.C. and I'm really looking forward to experiencing the rich history of this great nation!

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