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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, October 06, 2007

New Drug Increases Hillary's Chances of Winning

There's a new drug out on the market that will undoubtedly improve Hillary Clinton's chances of becoming president next year; this new drug is called Tryphorgetin, from DNC Pharmaceuticals. There have actually been several drugs like it over the past 15 years or so, but this latest development is sorely needed at a time when the ailment of Hillary's past is something she really needs to be unburdened by.

I know a lot of people will definitely take it; in fact, from what I hear, the clinical trials have been pretty widespread and many in the "mainstream" media are already on it.

Below is a commercial to tell you more about the product.


Anonymous said...

Actually if indeed Hillary wins the White House you will probably have the Religious Right and their myopia to blame more than voters forgetting the past.

Carrying out the threat of a 3rd party candidate if pro-choice Rudy wins the nomination will surely hand Clinton the White House on a silver platter

Bob Ellis said...

Actually if the Republican establishment is stupid enough to nominate a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual nominee, it is they who will have handed the White House to Hillary.

Dole wasn't even as liberal as Guiliani, and Dole gave little for values voters to get excited about.

A Guiliani nomination will hand the White House to the Democrats, with or without a third-party move by values voters. But who knows: maybe the rest of America might get fed up with the status quo and go third party, too.

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