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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Democrats Rush Tantrum Continues

If you're a parent, you've probably seen one of those tantrums where the kid gets so wound up they find it difficult to come down?

From WorldNetDaily, Democrats are continuing their phony temper tantrum over comments Rush Limbaugh never made.

In a prelude to likely efforts to legislate the Fairness Doctrine in 2009, Democratic Party leaders in the Senate, including the party's likely presidential nominee next year, Sen. Hillary Clinton, are turning up the heat on Rush Limbaugh's network, attempting to force him to apologize for maligning anti-war soldiers as phonies – something he didn't say.

On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sent a letter, signed by 41 Democrats, to Clear Channel Chief Executive Officer Mark P. Mays demanding he repudiate Limbaugh's comments and extract an apology from him. Mays responded the same day in a letter to Reid defending Limbaugh's right to express his opinions openly on the airwaves.

This is almost funny, since Limbaugh demonstrably didn't say what liberals claim he said.

At this point, they've already dug their hole, though. They know Rush didn't malign genuine soldiers, but they feel they can't just say, "We were wrong. Sorry."

They're also invested in trying to deflect from some of their own lousy behavior that has maligned and undermined all soldiers, including ones like General Petraeus whom they and their cronies called or agreed with calling "General Betray Us." They're big-time eager to get us to forget about that!
Reid had also made a speech on the Senate floor accusing Limbaugh of making a "hateful" and "unpatriotic" attack on U.S. troops opposed to the war in Iraq.

Such crocodile tears from someone who called our wartime president a "loser," tries to pull funding from under our combat troops, and undermines the troops by announcing publicly that "this war is lost."

Just when you think the hypocrisy from the Left can't get any worse, they always come back with new lows to disappoint you.


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