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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Novak: Wilson Had No Problem with Mention of Wife

According to today's article from The Hill, Joe Wilson wasn't too worried about his wife Valerie Plame being mentioned in Robert Novak's column when Novak talked to him prior to publishing the piece:

“He was not terribly exercised about it,” Novak said.

Instead, Wilson focused on not being portrayed as simply an opponent of the Iraq war. Wilson also stressed that his wife went by his last name, Wilson, rather than Plame, Novak said.

Could his lack of angst over it at the time have anything to do with the fact that, um, Plame wasn't a covert agent and no crime was being committed by mentioning her? Her being mentioned in a Who's Who listing kinda precluded any covert status she might have had, anyway.

Maybe he only got worked up when he or other Democrat operatives saw a chance to get some mileage out of yet another phony accusation?


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