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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

South Dakota Scores Well on ACT

According to the Argus Leader, South Dakota's students scored 18th best among the 50 states on ACTs:

The state ranked 18th in the nation with an overall score of 21.9, up from 21.8 a year ago and ahead of the national 21.2. South Dakota scores improved in each of the four subjects - English, math, reading and science - and continued a five-year growth trend for high school students taking the college-prep exam.

As you noticed from the article, we are ahead of the national average.

Yet despite doing better than the national average, some in our state contend we are not "adequately" funding education. Some in our state contend that one part of our government must use taxpayer money to file a lawsuit against another part of our government to squeeze more taxpayer money out of that second part of our government.

Uh huh. Nice lessons to our children, education establishment: (1) squeeze the taxpayers at every opportunity and (2) if you don't have what you want, sue sue sue.


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