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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hiding Behind a Sick Man

My column in the Rapid City Journal today addresses the recent meltdowns by some Democrats (sorry, Todd, I wanted to mention your blogosphere meltdowns, but I only had so much space in the column) after Senator John Ensign said Republicans weren't going to wait any longer to begin their campaign to capture the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Tim Johnson.

Here's the central gist in my column:

Republicans have been patient for eight months and haven’t tried to attack a sick man. It’s sad to think some Democrats might be willing to hide behind one.

Sorry, but I don't see it as unreasonable to get the campaign under way at this point, some eight months after Johnson fell ill, and many months after other campaigns are already building steam.

And Todd, I just haven't seen the despicable hatred of Johnson that you claim to have seen somewhere.

Republicans can get their fundraising efforts going and get their message out without "attacking a sick man." In fact, regardless of Johnson's health, I'd like to see them campaign on what they're for and what they want to do, rather than all on what they don't like about Johnson's votes.

But Ensign's announcement didn't warrant the hysteria that came from the Left in response to it. So does that mean the strategy of some Democrats is to stir up voter anger and raise money by capitalizing on a man's illness?


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