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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Political Correctness Gone Overboard

I know, I know: the title of this post is pretty lame, since PC went overboard a long, long time ago. But I'm tired and it's the best I can do.

I saw this article on CNS News called "School Calendar Drops 'History' Months After 'Gay' Flap" and just had to shake my head yet again.

A controversy stemming from the inclusion of "Gay and Lesbian History Month" in last year's calendar has prompted the Philadelphia School District to release a 2007-08 schedule that omits any tributes to the history of any groups of people.

But this change has sparked a new dispute: The head of a homosexual advocacy group called the move "appalling," and the leader of a pro-family organization hailed it as "a courageous step" to protect students "from the dangerous message that 'gay is okay.'"

Children really need to learn this stuff?

Here's a novel idea for American children: have an "American History Month" since it seems too much trouble for our education system to teach about our countrys origins, foundations, traditions, and form of government. They'd really learn a lot--more than they're learning in these divisive Hyphenated-American (and misc. demographical group) History Month farces.

Speaking of political correctness gone overboard, the Sunday edition of the Rapid City Journal yesterday had a "normalization" article on the front page of the business section. It was ostensibly about the high price of gas for RVs, but the featured "couple" was a couple of homosexuals and their "son."

Not a single "judgmental" word in the article, just
But Carl and Terry Haley know a bargain when they see one, which is why the Los Angeles couple recently paid $16,000 for a used home-onwheels.

With the caption under the picture:
From left, Carl and Terry Haley with son Corbin in the 30-foot motor home they recently bought.

In fact, there is no mention whatsoever that these two men are even homosexuals, other than the "couple" reference. Not even a passing mention that this living arrangement might be considered "by some" as "controversial."

Meanwhile, this young boy is robbed of a mother in his home and led to believe that a practice and lifestyle that is dangerous on many levels is "normal."

This is part of the process of "normalization," where we are spoon-fed articles, ads and such from the media placing homosexuals in a "normal" setting, thus leading the general public to see homosexuals, along with their relationships (including adopting children) as "normal."

So how does it feel to be a lab rat in the politically correct laboratory of homosexuals and their accomplices in the "mainstream" media? Is it working?


Anonymous said...

Yes, I am unhappy and with the RC Journal for choosing to portray homosexuality as normal with the RVs on a roll article and picture. This is a good example of political correctness gone overboard.

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