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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bureaucrats Banning Balloons

I know I just posted on "Political Correctness Gone Overboard" earlier, but when it comes to liberals and their PC, it seems there's a never-ending game of one-upsmanship to see who can come up with the strangest, silliest, most unnatural pronouncement.

Now the bureaucrats in Britain (the country liberals believe we should be like) have banned a clown from using balloons in his act, lest some child with a latex allergy be exposed.

I forget where I saw it, but earlier today I read about the paradox here: we don't want to expose kids to latex balloons, but we'll throw latex condoms at them at any opportunity and encourage them to use them.

Big Brother bureaucracy has been slowing bringing this clown's act to a close, even before this outright ban.


He said he was also told by one venue he could not twist balloons into the shape of guns for fear of encouraging youngsters to commit violence, although swords were deemed acceptable.

Maybe things have changed since I lived in England, but when I was there about 17 years ago, there was little danger that someone might shoot you (liberals had already confiscated all the guns except those belonging to terrorists--for some reason the terrorists wouldn't comply). But if you listened to the radio news, it was shocking how many people were stabbing, slashing and strangling one another.

I suppose the COL (Cocooning Our Lives) Committee, aka Politically Correct Committee, just hasn't seen fit to decide that sharp objects are now verboten.

Remember, this is what liberalism is working for here in the U.S. Cool, huh?


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Oh the ironies that be!!!

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