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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Environmental Pandering Not Catching On

According to a new study mentioned by CNS News, all this pandering to environmental wackos by businesses just isn't getting the bang for the buck:

"Consumers are not drinking the Kool-Aid when it comes to green," said J. Walker Smith, president of the Yankelovich, Inc., marketing firm, which released the survey results on Monday.

"While they're highly aware of environmental issues due to the glut of media attention," said Smith, "the simple fact is that 'going green' in their everyday life is simply not a big concern or a high priority."

This is "the first study of its kind to examine how much consumers truly care about green issues," stated the research firm, based in Chapel Hill, N.C., in a news release, which further noted that only 34 percent of consumers feel much more concerned about environmental issues today than a year ago.

Also, only 22 percent of the 2,763 consumers surveyed think they can make a difference when it comes to the environment.

What a shame for American business to waste all that money chatting up environmental radicalism, then only have the wackos pay attention.


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